Monday, March 8, 2010


As I have been working in my studio this past week my eyes kept returning to a mirror butterfly I have on the wall and I started to contemplate on just what am I reflecting in my life....Do I reflect my Savior and the fruit of the spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control or do I reflect the world and its values.....After much thought, I have come to realize that God is not through with me and He has much to teach me....His desire for me is to listen and obey and out of that He will transform me with His loving hand into the creature He designed for me to be all along......I will continue to ponder this issue and see what adventures He has for me as He makes me into His likness....
Hugs and Blessings,


  1. What a thought- and soulful post, a joy to read it, Nancy...and the mirror is beautiful btw!

  2. Yes, we are all on this incredible journey aren't we!


  3. It's so wonderful to know that God has wonderful things planned for each of us and in His time we will be like a beautiful butterfly. I love the child's song,KIDS UNDER CONSTUCTION. "He's Still Working on Me-- to make me what I out to be....etc..... Do you remember that song?

  4. His plans for us never run out, no matter our age or stage, he never runs out of dreams for us. Isn't that great! looking forward to seeing the pieces of your story unfold

  5. each day holds the possiblity for improvement to each and every one of us!

    I must say that I adore the butterfly mirror!!! it suits your 'reflective' ponderings!!!

    ciao sweetie

  6. Amen. Darling what a beautiful post to read just before going to sleep. I hope your week will be filled with many blessings

    Love & Hugs

  7. Thank you for your lovely words on my latest blog post - I really appreciate them :O)
    Beautiful butterfly mirror. Your Knitting art is wonderful - something I need to learn!

  8. thanks for coming by today and leaving another beautiful comment!
    i finally got up the nerve or should I say courage to list stuff on my etsy site....



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