Thursday, October 7, 2010

I Am Back At Last

Hi Everyone,
I have missed you so much and I am very excited to be back.  I can't wait to read all that's been going on with each of you......

We have kinda been all over the place.  We went to San Diego for a week to a Dr. David Jeremiah Retreat.  We went a couple of days early and tootled around San Diego and stayed on Coronado which is beautiful and went to the zoo.......It was all amazing and we had such  good time....The retreat was inspiring as well as encouraging....Dr. Jeremiah is such a gifted speaker and truly inspires you to want to live your  life as God has planned....

                                                           From the visit to the Zoo

I can't wait to catch up with each of you and hear all about what's been going on with you......
I will tell more of my adventures later.......................................

Hugs and blessings,


  1. wow such beautifull palce you have been...
    welcome back :-) I missed you

  2. Welcome home....your presence was missed!
    I got to hear Dr. Jeremiah last year when he came to ODU! He is amazing with his message.

  3. Welcome back home.

    My favorite zoo!

    I've always wanted to visit Saddleback (I think that's right). I'm glad you had an inspiring time at the retreat.


  4. Both time you got back girl. Can't wait to see you next week. What kinda bird is that! A dove with a hat on. LOL. Sandra

  5. Should have said Bout time......Gotta go get grandkids in the bed. They have me crazy! At least I will blame it on them.

  6. So that is where you've been. I was missing you so much! I must have missed you telling us you were going away because I said a prayer for you wondering if you were ill or something since you were not blogging over the past few weeks.

    Wow that hotel looks fabulous! Love the zebra! Also, I love to hear David Jeremiah speak. Did you know he used to be the Pastor at Blackhawk Baptist Church in Ft. Wayne IN which is just a few miles from us? To go to one of his retreats would be so wonderful. I'm sure you and your hubby enjoyed it so much.

    Again, so nice to have you back Nancy!

    ♥ Lee Ann

  7. Welcome back, I have missed ya. It looks as though you had a wonderful time. I kept checking the blog to see if you had posted. Can't wait to see you and hear more about your trip. Love ya Belvadear

  8. So glad that you were able to have a good trip!
    The pictures are amazing!

  9. Hey, glad you are back and glad you had a great trip. Love the pics! Thanks for sharing! I am reading one of Dr. David Jeremiah's books now, "A Bend In The Road." and yes, he is truly an inspiration.


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