Monday, February 22, 2010

Very Frustrated

OK....I am very frustrated......I have spent the better part of the afternoon working on an art journal page.....It's horrible in anybody's book.....all this there are no mistakes,,,well sometimes it's just junk and bad......I have ordered a couple of books and I am going to try to go by their instructions and if I am still sooooo frustrated, I am going to take it that I am not suppose to do this and I am going back to my comfort zone of knitting and spinning.....and even dolls.....I can feel some success in those areas......I don't feel like I learned anything,,,just a wasted afternoon when I could have been doing something productive......
Thanks for listening to me rant.....I am off to my spinning bee; maybe I will feel better when I get home.....
Hugs and Blessings,


  1. Butterfly..... we have all felt this at some point but beautiful art is really not the idea of your journal. It's a place to let your feelings out. I tell everyone to enjoy the process and the therapeutic effect it will have on you. Don't worry about what anything looks like!!

  2. Butterfly,

    In my classroom, I emphasize how we all learn by taking risks. Instead of berating yourself, put it down for a little while and then come back to it. That's what I always do. Blessings to you dear lady!

  3. i wish i could tell you how many of my journal pages are pure junk!! truth is, i've learned a lot more from my "bad" pages than i have from the "good" ones!! you'll know when you're ready to get your journal back out the meantime, i hope you had a blast at your spinning bee! :))

  4. there are always bad days,
    when it happens to me I always say tomorrow is another day and it will be better


  5. We all have those does and I agree with the post by VKT ~ sometimes it's good to step back from a project that is driving you to frustration and work on somthing else. Then come back to it with a whole new perspective.

  6. Oh mercy do I know how you feel, if you could only see what came out of me when I first got started and still have those days :-) Be encouraged because art journaling is about the process of self expression. Sometimes we have to make junk in order to get to the good stuff. I'm sure you produced some duds in your knitting and weaving when you first began! And a little helpful instruction goes a long way. Maybe we should all post some of our worst journaling results just for you :-)

  7. Aww Nancy, don´t give ip please. I have seen journal pages of you - really beautiful! I think we all have some of "those days", don´t let thgem frustrate you. I have been struggling with painting the last few days as well, but I´m sure the creativity will come back - and so will yours!
    Much love and a big hug ~ Bettina

  8. Hi Nancy,
    I agree with the others. Some times you just have to take a step back. Take a little break and you will return refreshed.

  9. I agree with the first comment by Manon....she's journaling is about the process of working through emotions...just enjoying playing with the materials...getting your feelings out on paper...

    just let the art happen...and love it no matter what you 'think' it looks like....!!!!!!!!

    keep at is woman!

  10. actually I agree with that I've read all the comments! oops!

    post your page anyways....and call it
    "working out the frustrations" .....seriously!

  11. Thank each one of you for your kind and encouraging comments....I am back painting again today and feeling better about the work.
    Will post later....
    Thanks for caring......
    Hugs and Blessings,

  12. Nothing wrong with voicing our struggles, lets you know you're not alone and gets it out so you can go back at it again. Which you've done! I'm glad you have, looking forward to hearing and seeing more as you journey along.

  13. Oh, please don't give up!! You have talent! The pages you have shown here are beautiful! It's a hard lesson to learn but in order to make good art you have to make a lot of bad art. Don't lose heart! It just seems like no one else makes bad art because no one shows it! I have a closet full of stuff that just did not work out. But I learned something from each and every piece that stunk. You are not alone! Keep creating! xoxo


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