Thursday, February 18, 2010

First Picture from Nora's Class

I have finally finished my picture from Nora's Class....I am excited to get started on another one. Remember, I am a fiber artist jumping into a new world...but I am having fun in this new world...
Hugs and Blessings to each of you,


  1. You did good! I love the butterfly in the corner!

  2. what did you use to make that interesting texture?
    nicely done!

  3. You did a wonderful job!! You'll love the class!

  4. Good job! You're going to have fun painting :)

  5. Thanks for commenting on my blog! Love the faces. I have such trouble with faces, and I'm trying to make dolls. I promise myself that I will learn do create faces, but so far I haven't taken the time. Do you have any tips or suggestions?

  6. Well done! I can see the same expressiveness in your painting as I see in the wonderful faces of your art dolls. I can see you've found a new area to play in and the fact that you can't wait to start another tells me your having fun, which is what counts :-)

  7. So nice to meet you!! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, I am so glad you did, because it led me here! I love the painting, and am amazed at your talent! Not only the painting but all the knitting and the dolls and wow!!!Loved the pictures of your yard and can only imagine it in the spring!! Have yourself a lovely weekend!

  8. You did a great job! Isn't the class fun? I like taking classes, it gets me to try new things and there's always tips and techniques that we learn that go with us forever.

    Thanks SO much for your sweet comment when you visited♥

  9. it works, however it has come about! and remember a true artist never says it happened by accident.....
    one should say,
    with an english accent because everything sounds better that way.....

    "I meant to do it that way!"

    ciao bella
    have yourself a brillian weekend!

  10. You just go Girlfriend this is simply lovely...
    Hugs and Blessings from Iowa~~~Dena Do pop over and visit me soon!!!
    Keep creating God is blessing you~~~


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