Tuesday, July 13, 2010

New Vest

Well I finally finished the second vest I was working on...remember several posts back I showed you a vest and the green yarn I was knitting with....well the green vest is in the mountains unfinished but I started another one and this is it........I tried knitting this one with a larger yarn and bigger needles and it grew and grew and grew so that it will be great to wear over a long shirt and leggings or slim leg jeans.....it's cotton and really much lighter weight than it looks.....perfect for a cool night (if we ever have one).......or the fall.......

Hugs and blessings,


  1. Oh Nancy it is gorgeous!!
    I see it with a black turtleneck and jeans, or leggings, and little black boots, and cool silver jewelry!!!!!

    So beautiful!!!!

  2. wow, that is gorgeous...yea, black leggings, cute t-shirt, silver jewelry...two thumbs up!

  3. Beautiful, I had wondered about your vest project, so fun to see what you've done and how it morphed into the making of two vests :-) Not to worry cooler weather will find you, in time!

  4. Really turned out pretty!! I love the design and the cool silver piece!

  5. Oh beeeeeeutiful!!! A cool night here in the desert would be in December! So sorry I am behind in my visits...been packing up the new bride and hubby is escorting her and her belongings to Fort Hood as I type. **dizzy**
    **blows kisses** Deb


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