Saturday, September 11, 2010

We all remember the loss of September 11 and probably exactly what we were doing at the moment we heard the news....We have all coped and healed in different ways but God has brought us through a tragic event and continues to heal the wounds of that day.....

At the time, I was into art and healing dolls and this is my tribute to all those lost and wounded that day......

I felt it very important that the fabrics chosen be significant so the body is made of fabric with city buildings all over it, the shawl fabric has angles all over it, and the halo is covered in stars with crystal beading for details....

Hugs and blessings,


  1. Healing dolls!
    What a fascinating idea.
    I love her....she intrigues me.
    And I love the way you explore
    with your creativity.
    An adventurer at heart:)
    (I'm honoring the families who lost so much
    by remembering to see and hear and appreciate and love extravagantly and on purpose those who are dear to me. And so I say to YOU, dear Nancy, that I am honored to share this journey with you and love you dearly:) )

  2. De un doloroso recuerdo has conseguido hacer algo mágico, admiro tu creatividad.


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