Thursday, November 11, 2010

Prayer Journal Pages

It seems at every turn I hear of someone I know has found out they have cancer...It's almost weekly and it really makes me mad......

I have a very special friend who is battling breast cancer.  She has completed her chemo and went for her appointment today to find out about her radiation treatments.....Her spirits are good but I can tell it is weighting on both her and her husband.

Today an old friend came by who had been diagnosed with lung cancer...He had part of his treatments and got in such bad shape they had to stop.....they gave him no hope.....Several months later, he went for his appointment and after the scan and all the tests they put you through, they told him there was no sign of cancer not even a scar......He hold me after they gave up on him, he was getting ready to preach one morning when he went into the prayer room and said "Lord, you take this..I am not going to think about it again...if you want me here fine and if not I'll be with you......

So this afternoon, I have had both of these people on my struggling to live and the other one I sat down to pray and with paper in hand started to doodle and talk about these two people to the Lord......This is what came out of that session.....I can see lots of respresentation in the doodle but I won't go into that now.  I just felt a real sense of peace when it was completed....

Hugs and blessings,


  1. I lost a sister in law 2 years ago to breast cancer, and I have another one fighting it. I appreciate this doodle!

  2. My prayers and journal time are reflecting this time last year when mom was going through chemo for the last time. We lost her over Christmas. Cancer is indeed a horrible demon. Comfort is found knowing a loved one will be free when they are with Him. Sadness for time spent here without them though. Why some are healed and others aren't? Only God knows. I am grateful for the time I had with mom, grateful to be able to feel with friends going through the battle. Thanks for sharing this post of your doodle!!!

  3. I understand the wrenching feelings
    and love how you were able to pour
    your heart into your journal art
    and give voice to it's struggle and
    I hate cancer.
    And yet we have this HUGE amazing Father
    for whom cancer is nothing but a fleck
    of dust, easily wiped away and disposed of.
    And yet.......
    I understand the angst.
    And I care.
    Love and tired hugs,

  4. Thank you for expressing in art what many of us feel but don't take the time to express on paper. It is a blessing to be ministered to through your art. L, Pat

  5. Nancy;
    Thank you for sharing this with everyone! Cancer is pretty prevailant these days and it is very sad. I love how your preacher friend put it to God, "if you want me here fine, and if not I will be with you." What a great way to look at it! I pray for your dear friend for healing and I thank God for healing your other dear friend. God is good!
    Bless you Nancy. I pray for you too, that He will bless you with much peace. I think the way you handled it with your journal was an awesome idea.

  6. Big hugs my friend! Such emotion spilled on these pages!!!

  7. I have a very dear friend battling breast cancer. It is a fast growing cancer so each time I visit her I see her failing. We have shared openly about death and how she feels about it. She is a lovely Godly lady. I will miss her tremendously. We have a friend in our BSF class who is struggling with lung and bone cancer. They have both experienced such pain. I am so grieved over their struggle with this deadly plague! "The body is decaying daily.....but prayerfully are minds are being renewed and we continue to learn and grow in Him. Also had a dear friend who passed away with Alzheimers. Funeral yesterday. She was 60, I am 62.....makes you think doesn't it?!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. i'm hoping that the first story of your friend turns out like the second story of your other and complete healing through the Great Physician!! i'm glad you found some peace through your journal.....lots of power in those doodles! xoxo, :))

  9. My father passed away from Lung Cancer...he smoked though....I wish he didn't...he had just turned 81 and I wonder how long his days might have been without the daily puffing?

    it is never an easy thing to watch others's even harder to be the one suffering with the illness....I know we can show our support through our prayers and also by just being there for our friends. being good listeners.

    I work through my own frustrations via prayer and journaling too.
    Hope you feel better.....and thanks so much for taking the time to visit me.

    ciao bella


  10. Nancy,

    Thank you for your ministry that is expressed in so many ways to so many people!

    As I read what you wrote just last Thursday, the Lord brought to mind 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. I will look forward to reading what the Lord continues to reveal to you day by day!

    You are one of the most loving, generous, Godly women I know!


  11. I hear ya my friend! So love seeing how you are able to let those emotions drop out onto your canvas. Sometimes dropping is the only thing we can do, but thankfully God keeps those drops close to his heart just like He keeps our tears stored all in a bottle.

    I'm awaiting a doctor's report from a biopsy I just had. Will find out Thursday the result. I have perfect peace about it all and am trusting in God's hands to hold me no matter what.

    Love ya Nancy!
    Lee Ann

  12. Lee Ann, I pray you got good news yesterday. God Bless. Sandra


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